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Centerscore - Game Support

Why is a game not launching? Can I launch a game with WebTV?

Why is the game still not launching when I use AOL?

Why did the game stop in the middle of loading?

Why do I become disconnected from the internet while playing a game?

Why do games I could play before, not work anymore?

Why can't I see the entire game on my screen?

How do I clear the browser's cache to re-download the game?

What information should I include when reporting a problem with a game?

Why is a game not launching? Can I launch a game with WebTV?

The missions require that Java be enabled in your browser. Two great Java enabled browsers are Internet Explorer 4+ and Netscape 4.5+. WebTV does not support Java, but try launching the mission from a friend's computer.

In Internet Explorer, select "Internet Options" from the "View" menu bar. Next, click "Advanced" and check the box to enable Java.

In Netscape, select "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu bar. Next, click "Advanced" and check the box to enable Java.

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Why is the game still not launching when I use AOL?

When launching missions in AOL, make sure to disable "Use Compressed Graphics." This feature prevents our missions from completely downloading mission graphics. Instructions for disabling compressed graphics are:

  1. Click the "My AOL" button and pull down "Preferences."
  2. Click the "WWW" button.
  3. Click the tab for "Web Graphics."
  4. Uncheck the box for "Use compressed grpahics."
  5. Click "Apply" to save your changes.
  6. Go back to the "General" tab.
  7. Under "Temporary Internet Files", click "Delete Files."
  8. Log out of AOL, log back in, and get ready to play!

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Why did the game stop in the middle of loading?

The download may have been corrupted by an internet interruption. Clear the browser's cache to launch the missions again.

In Internet Explorer, select "Internet Options" from the "View" menu bar. Then click "Delete Files" in the Temporary Internet Files area. After changing these settings, it is very important to quit all open browser windows and then restart the browser.

In Netscape, select "Preferences" from the "Edit" menu bar. Click the "+" next to Advanced and then select "Cache". Lastly, click both "Clear Memory Cache" and "Clear Disk Cache". After changing these settings, it is very important to quit all open browser windows and then restart the browser.

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Why do I become disconnected from the internet while playing a game?

Sometimes your Internet Service Provider has timeouts that automatically log you out of the internet when your web browser has been idle. These timeout systems are unable to detect the sophisticated technology behind the missions and instead they think you are not using the internet.

The solution for this problem is running a "stay connected" program that lets the timeout service know that you are still using the internet. One of these programs, WakeUp, is available for free at

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Why do games I could play before, not work anymore?

These games may have been corrupted. In order to launch these missions successfully, please clear your browser's cache by following the below directions:

In Internet Explorer, select "Internet Options" from the "View" menu bar. Then click "Delete Files" in the Temporary Internet Files area. After changing these settings, it is very important to quit all open browser windows and then restart the browser.

In Netscape, select "Preferences" from the "Edit"menu bar. Click the "+" next to Advanced and then select "Cache". Lastly, click both "Clear Memory Cache" and "Clear Disk Cache". After changing these settings, it is very important to quit all open browser windows and then restart the browser.

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Why can't I see the entire game on my screen?

These games have been designed to fit on screens that are set to a minimum of 800x600 screen resolution. If you do not see the entire mission on one screen, your screen resolution may not be set correctly. Maximizing the window may also allow you to see more of the game as well.

You can change the screen resolution from within the Display Control Panel.

If you are using Windows, please follow the instructions below:

  • Click the Start button.
  • Choose "Settings -> Control Panel."
  • Find and click the Display icon.
  • Select the "Settings" tab.
  • Find the "Screen area" section.
  • Move the slider to a higher resolution.*
  • Click the Apply Button.
  • Click "OK" if the screen looks good.
  • *If the slider cannot be moved, your screen resolution cannot be changed.

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How do I clear the browser's cache to re-download the game?

Clearing your browser's cache will allow you to get a fresh download of the game. This is useful if your game no longer works or if you want to download the latest version of the game. Clear your browser's cache by following the below directions:

In Internet Explorer, select "Internet Options" from the "View" menu bar. Then click "Delete Files" in the Temporary Internet Files area. After changing these settings, it is very important to quit all open browser windows and then restart the browser.

In Netscape, select "Preferences" from the "Edit"menu bar. Click the "+" next to Advanced and then select "Cache". Lastly, click both "Clear Memory Cache" and "Clear Disk Cache". After changing these settings, it is very important to quit all open browser windows and then restart the browser.

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What information should I include when reporting a problem with a game?

When reporting a problem with the game, please include the following information:

  • Operating System of your computer.
  • Browser version you are using.
  • Internet Service Provider you are using.
  • The last screen you saw before seeing the problem.
  • For advanced problems, messages from the Java console.

You can enable the Java console by following the below directions:

In Internet Explorer, select "Internet Options" from the "View" menu bar. Then select the "Advanced" tab and look for the section entitled "Java VM". Check both the boxes for "Java console enabled" and "Java logging enabled". Restart the browser. Then select "Java console" from the "View" menu bar and run the game. Important error messages may be sent to the Java console window.

In Netscape, select "Java Console" from the "Tools" item in the "Communicator" menu bar. This will open a Java console window. Run the game and see if important error messages are shown when the problem is encountered.

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