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CAN Words

See how many "CAN" words you can identify in this puzzle! Fill in the blanks with the missing letters.

1) Sweet treat made of crystallized sugar CAN__ __

2) Artificial waterway used for irrigation and transportation CAN__ __

3) Narrow boat with paddles CAN__ __

4) Coarse cloth made of hemp, cotton, or flax CAN__ __ __

5) Mass of wax with a wick CAN__ __ __

6) Country in Northern North America CAN__ __ __

7) Small yellow bird CAN__ __ __

8) Large piece of artillery CAN__ __ __

9) Dog CAN__ __ __

10) Long narrow valley between high cliffs CAN__ __ __

11) Box or can that holds coffee, tea, sugar CAN__ __ __ __ __ etc.